Musical Theatre is in our veins, It's where we started our journey in the entertainment. Our first jobs where providing lighting and audio for school and amateur musical productions in the Southern Highlands and Sydney.
We provide packages in technical system to suit your production, from Radio Mic Bundles, sound consoles, speaker and line-arrays by Yamaha, QSC, EAW, Sennhesier. Lighting system with conventional & intelligent fixtures, lighting consoles by Highend, Chamsys, ETC, Selecon, Robe and Claypaky.
Luminous loves the challenges associated with all projects and pushing what is possible on stage. Our principle designer Joshua Vozzo studied at NIDA graduated in 2013 following his Above all we know that service is the key. The show must go on, the deadline of the first night is unchangeable and everything we do is based around that principle.
Above all we know that service is the key. The show must go on, the deadline of the first night is unchangeable and everything we do is based around that principle.